Writing a Killer Profile for an Event Management Company

Writing a Killer Profile for an Event Management Company

By Event Planners Alliance

Published on February 6, 2022


Most Event companies do not think about creating a company profile until a prospective clients asks for it. Could you be one of those people who have just received a request from a client and do not know where to start or what to add on your company profile?

First things first, A company profile is a marketing tool that is written to introduce  a company and tells the reader about the company activities, mission, goals and strengths, experiences products and services.

A company profile goes on to highlight your brand’s unique qualities. With a company profile be assured that you will give a lasting impression to your prospects and this can turn to be the key to your company’s success.

Thinking about this, then it is important for you to draft a good and comprehensive profile because the way you present your profile will affect your customer’s perception and finally the decision to engage or not to.

Never be intimidated by other company’s profiles. Remember that there is no specific length of profiles. If you are a startup or a medium sized company it is okay to have a short profile that has 1 to 3 pages. On the other hand large company profiles depend on a number of factors like the audience, the experiences, the team members and other factors that are considered by the company’s age and its size.

 The more complete your profile, the better the odds that prospective client will find you and choose you over other incomplete profiles.  So don’t get lazy – fill out every single section of the profile builder.

As the Accrediting officer of Event Planners Alliance I am able to identify a killer company profile by just looking at the introduction and the details on the form.  Event planners Alliance is the next event planners profile builder and certification site to watch for.  The Platform allows event planners to create a profile for their Event Management company as well as certification services for the same group of industry

Any Event company should never miss this boat.  Grooms, brides, and the corporate will utilize the website more than before to search for certified event planners with killer profiles.

 Here are the things to remember when you get to a point of building a killer profile

High-Quality Photos Are Important to Your Business

corporate catering in nairobi

Any business needs photos that will attract its audience’s attention faster.  Your photo should be clear and in high quality to give the client a compelling option. Don’t forget to add your logo on your profile as it promotes brand recognitions at the same time acts as a design element for your profile page  

Write a straight forward title

It is critically important that your title field is your business name. If not your company name, Just write key word that are specific to your industry eg Best Event planner in … 

Be Warm and Welcoming

On this introduction section, you have an opportunity to be a bit detailed to showcase a good picture of your company to a prospective client. It should be warm, welcoming and straight to the point. A maximum of 500 words is good for a compelling company introduction. Don’t forget to touch on what the company stands for i.e. Mission statement/vision, Established dates, descriptions of products and services, Brief overview of history, growth and development.  Your welcoming words should be clear, interesting and straight to the point.

Contact information is the key

Company name, website, location address, telephone numbers, social media handles, Email address etc. are essential details to add on your online profile. The profile being on an online platform will help clients to take action on your killer profile, and most importantly it will contribute to your visibility on your local SEO.

How about your Mission statement

A mission statement is a short summary of your company’s purpose. Period! Make it short and to the point

Remember this -The three components of a mission statement include the purpose, values, and goals of the company.

Example: See sample Profile 

Industry Recognition

If you’re looking to prove your worth, this is where you flap your feathers. Share anything that is worthwhile that your company has accomplished or received in its operations.

  • Accreditation
  • Certifications
  • Awards and honors
  • Media/news recognition
  • Testimonials
  • Partnerships

Describe products and services

At this point you list and if need be describe your products and services. Remember to list the specific services you can offer your clients. This area is very important for those clients who don’t like going though the profile but just want to know if you offer the specific services or products. list your services in bullet form. 


Incorporate testimonials

Our platform has built in Reviews and testimonial area where your customers can login and give a feedback for your services. Invite as many people as possible to visit your profile page and leave a feedback. Customers share their reviews to provide a form of proof that your event management company is credible and successful. It establishes trust and earns more leads and customers.

Professional Experiences and industry certifications does it all.

Treat your profile as you would treat your curriculum vitae- i.e. to highlight your accomplishments. Make sure your experience section is well defined with bullet points that describe what you did, how well you did it, when you did it.

What about your business highlights

writing a business profile online

In Brief, in bullet list with a lot of focus the highlight section of your profile should be the summary of your projects you are proud of.  Notable achievements or projects those are relevant to your business. As an event planner you can take advantage of this section to catch the attention of your prospects. This will obviously make you stand out from the crowd.

Update your profile now and then

Just like any other social media accounts, you can update your business profile as often as you wish. Every time you update make sure you share your profile on all your social media handles. Let your customers know you have undated your profile.

Become a writer for Event planners Alliance

All users on our platform are allowed to publish articles which are industry related.  Articles can just be simple write up of your industry, what’s going on in your field, any development in the industry, show off how you managed to complete a project. This is a great way to get noticed. Remember to place links on your profile, social media handles and anything that will bring the reader to your business platform.

Want to write an article and test the waters. click here

Now What?

Now that we know how to write a killer business profile, let start today and build your event management profile. List your business 

Thank you for reading! Feel free to share this article as is. 

Julie W. Nyaga 

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